家电科技 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 14-19.doi: 10.19784/j.cnki.issn1672-0172.2024.04.001

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陈权明, 随晶侠, 陆海东, 李廉澎   

  1. 佛山市顺德区美的洗涤电器制造有限公司 广东佛山 528311
  • 出版日期:2024-08-01 发布日期:2024-08-30
  • 作者简介:陈权明,学士学位。研究方向:蒸烤炸性能技术。地址:广东省佛山市顺德区北滘镇工业大道美的全球创新中心。E-mail:chenqm18@midea.com。
  • 基金资助:

Optimization design of double layer uniformity in integrated stove oven

CHEN Quanming, SUI Jingxia, LU Haidong, LI Lianpeng   

  1. Foshan Shunde District Midea Washing Appliance Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Foshan 528311
  • Online:2024-08-01 Published:2024-08-30

摘要: 针对目前集成灶烤箱普遍存在的双层烤不均匀问题,借用CFD仿真工具对现有结构的流场进行分析,并提出了外导流方式的初步优化方案,缩短送风所需的路程及降低流动阻力。基于响应面法对初步方案的位置尺寸L、导流角度θ及导流高度H这三个参数进行试验设计,得到响应面数学模型,进而求解合适的优化参数。结果表明:双层风速标准差σ随热风罩出风口的位置L变化最为敏感,导流角度θ随着位置L增大而对标准差σ更加敏感。当位置L接近135 mm、导流角度79.4°、导流高度3 mm时,标准差有极小值。优化方案的上下层的标准差σ由原始结构的0.389下降至0.250,双层烤面包片及蛋挞的均匀性均有所改善。

关键词: 烤箱, CFD, 双层均匀性, 热风罩, 响应面

Abstract: In response to the common problem of uneven double-layer baking in integrated stove oven, a CFD simulation tool was used to analyze the flow field of the existing structure, and a preliminary optimization plan for the external guidance method was proposed to shorten the distance required for air supply and reduce flow resistance. Based on response surface methodology, experimental design is carried out on the three parameters of position dimension L, diversion angle θ, and diversion height H of the preliminary scheme, and a response surface mathematical model is obtained, to solve for appropriate optimization parameters. The results indicate that the standard deviation of double-layer wind speed σ is most sensitive to changes in the position L of the air outlet of the hot air hood, and the diversion angle θ becomes more sensitive to the standard deviation σ as the position L increases. When the position L approaches 135 mm, the diversion angle is 79.4°, and the diversion height is 3 mm, the standard deviation has a minimum value. The standard deviation σ of the upper and lower layers of the optimization scheme has decreased from 0.389 in the original structure to 0.250, and the uniformity of double-layer baked toast alices and egg tarts have been improved.

Key words: Oven, CFD, Double layer uniformity, Hot air hood, Response surface
