家电科技 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 42-46.doi: 10.19784/j.cnki.issn1672-0172.2024.04.005

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贺瑶, 周彤, 王静, 赵毅力, 胡威威, 周雯虹   

  1. 中国家用电器研究院 北京 100053
  • 出版日期:2024-08-01 发布日期:2024-08-30
  • 通讯作者: 周雯虹。E-mail:zhouwh@cheari.com。
  • 作者简介:贺瑶,硕士学位。研究方向:烹饪营养相关。地址:北京市西城区下斜街29号中国家用电器研究院。E-mail:heyao@cheari.com。

Nutrient retention techniques in food processing: from traditional methods to modern innovations

HE Yao, ZHOU Tong, WANG Jing, ZHAO Yili, HU Weiwei, ZHOU Wenhong   

  1. China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute Beijing 100053
  • Online:2024-08-01 Published:2024-08-30

摘要: 采用合适的烹饪方式和控制条件可以有效保留食品中的营养物质。传统烹饪方式中,蒸制表现出对食品营养成分保留更显著的优势。在现代加热技术中,射频加热通过高频电磁波大幅减少食品暴露在高温中的时间,降低了热敏感性维生素的损失并有效抑制美拉德反应;蒸汽加热则有效保持了食物的色泽、口感和维生素等营养成分。此外,热空气加热、辐射加热、微波加热等其他烹饪技术与组合方式,已被逐渐开发并应用于食品加工中。随着科技的进步,家电产品未来有望在新兴的烹饪技术及多种烹饪方式组合技术中获得更多的突破与创新,利用多样化烹饪技术更好地保留食材中的营养价值,促进消化吸收。利用家电产品的个性化、一体化推动健康烹饪理念的发展,更好地服务于人们的健康生活。

关键词: 烹饪, 营养物质, 家电产品, 健康

Abstract: Proper cooking methods and controlled conditions can effectively retain nutrients in food. In traditional cooking methods, steaming shows more significant advantages in the retention of food nutrients. In modern heating technology, radio frequency heating greatly reduces the exposure time of food to high temperature through high-frequency electromagnetic waves, reduces the loss of heat-sensitive vitamins and effectively inhibits the maillard reaction, and steam heating effectively maintains the color, taste and vitamins of food and other nutrients. In addition, other cooking technologies and combinations such as hot air heating, radiation heating, and microwave heating have been gradually developed and applied in food processing. With the progress of science and technology, home appliances are expected to achieve more breakthroughs and innovations in the emerging cooking technology and a variety of cooking method combination technology in the future, the use of diversified cooking technology to better retain the nutritional value of ingredients, promote digestion and absorption. The personalization and integration of household appliances are used to promote the development of healthy cooking concepts and better serve people's healthy life.

Key words: Cooking, Nutrients, Household appliances, Health
