家电科技 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 84-87.doi: 10.19784/j.cnki.issn1672-0172.2024.05.013

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魏礼松, 李俊超, 周梦德, 慕凡   

  1. 艾欧史密斯(中国)环境电器有限公司 江苏南京 210038
  • 出版日期:2024-10-01 发布日期:2024-10-16
  • 作者简介:魏礼松,本科学历。研究方向:净水器相关领域的技术研究与产品开发。地址:南京市溧水经济开发区溧星路66号。E-mail:lisong.wei@aoswtc.com。
  • 基金资助:

Application research of step-by-step hot water sterilization technology in water purifier

WEI Lisong, LI Junchao, ZHOU Mengde, MU Fan   

  1. A.O.Smith (China) Environmental Products Co., Ltd. Nanjing 210038
  • Online:2024-10-01 Published:2024-10-16

摘要: 随着净水机的日益普及以及人们对饮水安全的重视,净水机的出水微生物安全性成为了其必须解决的问题之一。通常净水机(反渗透净水器)可以有效过滤水中的细菌,然而,从反渗透膜出水端到水嘴这段饮水管路有潜在微生物滋生风险,影响出水水质安全。为解决此问题,针对校园净水机凉白开出水系统提出了一种步进式热水杀菌技术,通过对饮水管路的加热→保温→加热→降温等过程,使用相对较少的热水,延长杀菌有效温度的时长,同时对出水电磁阀结构进行优化,解决了普通电磁阀存在的杀菌死角(盲区),通过测试验证,出水菌落全天候可控制在5 CFU/100 mL以下,有效解决了出水菌落超标问题,确保出水水质安全。

关键词: 净水机, 菌落控制, 出水电磁阀, 步进式热水杀菌

Abstract: With the increasing popularity of water purifier and people's attention to drinking water safety, the microbiological safety out of water purifier has become one of the problems which must be solved. Usually, RO water purifiers can effectively remove bacteria. However, there is a potential safety risk of microbial breeding in the pipeline after pure water coming out of membrane to nozzle. To solve this problem, proposes a step-by-step hot water sterilization technology for cold boiled water system of commercial water purifiers made for school. By heating, insulation, heating, and cooling the drinking water pipeline, using relatively less hot water to extend the time of effective sterilization temperature. At the same time, the structure of the outlet solenoid valve is optimized to solve the sterilization blind spots. Through testing and verification, the outlet bacterial colony can be controlled below 5 CFU/100 mL all day, effectively solving the problem of excessive outlet bacterial colonies and ensuring the safety.

Key words: Water purifier, Colony control, Outlet solenoid valve, Step-by-step hot water sterilization
