家电科技 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 58-62.doi: 10.19784/j.cnki.issn1672-0172.2024.02.008

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  1. 上海海立电器有限公司 上海 201206
  • 出版日期:2024-04-01 发布日期:2024-05-27
  • 作者简介:黄之敏,男,高级工程师,机械设计及理论专业硕士学位。研究方向:转子压缩机在新领域的开拓及基础应用研究。地址:上海市浦东新区云桥路1051号。

Wear prediction and experimental verification of friction pairs in rotary compressors

HUANG Zhimin   

  1. Shanghai Highly Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd. Shanghai 201206
  • Online:2024-04-01 Published:2024-05-27

摘要: 转子压缩机面临新型制冷剂和新领域的快速拓展,以及客户使用条件的日趋严苛,对可靠性要求越来越高的挑战,但业内没有成熟的摩擦副磨损预测方法。针对某R290热泵专用压缩机,以叶片-叶片槽这一摩擦副为例,从边界润滑、混合润滑、流体润滑的基本模型入手,综合压缩机运行过程中负载、油-制冷剂的混合物性、转速等影响因子,采用经典的Archard模型,建立了转子压缩机摩擦副的磨耗量预测理论模型,仿真结果与长期可靠性试验后实测磨耗量相印证,具有较好的一致性;该方法的建立,有助于转子压缩机快速可靠性预测,提升开发速度。

关键词: 磨耗, 压缩机, 可靠性, 制冷剂

Abstract: With the rapid expansion of new refrigerants and new fields, and the increasingly stringent customer conditions, the reliability requirements of rotary compressors are getting higher and higher, but there is no mature wear prediction method for friction pairs in the industry. Aiming at a R290 heat pump compressor, taking the friction pair of vane-blade groove as an example, starting with the basic models of boundary lubrication, mixed lubrication and fluid lubrication, integrating the influencing factors such as load, oil-refrigerant mixture properties and speed during the operation of the compressor, the classical Archard model is adopted. A theoretical model for predicting the wear of the friction pair of the rotary compressor is established, and the simulation results are consistent with the wear data after the long-term reliability test; The establishment of the method is helpful for the rapid reliability prediction of the rotary compressor and the improvement of the development speed.

Key words: Wear, Compressor, Reliability, Refrigerant
