家电科技 ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 16-24.doi: 10.19784/j.cnki.issn1672-0172.2021.06.001

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于天蝉, 杨子旭, 丁连锐, 黄文宇, 石文星   

  1. 清华大学建筑技术科学系 北京 100084
  • 出版日期:2021-12-01 发布日期:2022-01-05
  • 通讯作者: 石文星,男,博士,教授。研究方向:制冷与热泵技术,蓄能与可再生能源技术。联系电话:010-62796114,Email:wxshi@tsinghua.edu.cn。
  • 作者简介:于天蝉(1999—),女,清华大学建筑技术科学系,博士研究生。

Development and application of online performance testing technology for room air conditioners

YU Tianchan, YANG Zixu, DING Lianrui, HUANG Wenyu, SHI Wenxing   

  1. Department of Building Science, Tsinghua University Beijing 100084
  • Online:2021-12-01 Published:2022-01-05

摘要: 探明房间空调器的实际运行性能对于优化其控制策略、降低运行能耗和运行费用具有重要意义。首先系统地总结了空调器现场运行性能测量技术发展现状,指出压缩机能量平衡法(CEC法)能够满足现场性能测量非介入式、无干扰性且精度适宜的要求,是一种切实可行的长期在线性能测试方法。针对压缩机CEC法必须解决传感器位置固定与制冷剂状态参数动态变化、压缩机性能衰减与长期较高精度测量的矛盾,分析了基于CEC法动态修正的“全工况制冷剂流量法”的实现方法;总结了国内外空调器在线性能测量标准,并重点介绍了国内在线性能测量仪表精度的标定方法;在此基础上,通过典型案例给出空调器的在线性能测量结果,并分析其运行特征、能效现状和在线性能测量技术的发展趋势。

关键词: 房间空调器, 运行性能, 标准, 能量平衡, 容积效率

Abstract: Finding out the actual field performance of room air conditioners is of great significance to improve its control strategy and reduce operational energy consumption and cost. Firstly, systematically summarizes the current situation and development of field performance measurement technology, and points out that the compressor energy conservation method (CEC method) is a practical and feasible long-term online performance measurement method that can meet the requirements of non-intrusive, non-interference, and appropriate accuracy. Aiming at the contradiction between the fixed sensor position and the dynamic change of refrigerant state parameters, and the compressor performance degradation and long-term high-precision measurement in the CEC method, the implementation of the "all-condition refrigerant flow method" that based on the dynamic correction of the CEC method is analyzed. The domestic and foreign online performance measurement standards for air conditioners are summarized, and the calibration method of domestic online performance measurement instrument accuracy is mainly introduced. On this basis, the online performance measurement results of air conditioners are given through several typical cases, and the operating characteristics, energy efficiency status and development trend of online performance measurement technology are analyzed.

Key words: Room air conditioner, Operating performance, Standards, Energy balance, Volumetric efficiency
