家电科技 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 104-108.doi: 10.19784/j.cnki.issn1672-0172.2024.04.017

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覃兴文, 赵蓬, 赵静, 余豹   

  1. 四川长虹空调有限公司 四川绵阳 621000
  • 出版日期:2024-08-01 发布日期:2024-08-30
  • 作者简介:覃兴文(1979—),男,本科学历,工程师,现任四川长虹空调有限公司基础所系统设计。研究方向:空调制冷。E-mail:xingwen.qin@changhong.com。

Experimental study on explosion of R32 air conditioning system based on variable frequency compressor winding temperature measurement technology

QIN Xingwen, ZHAO Peng, ZHAO Jing, YU Bao   

  1. Sichuan Changhong Air Conditioning Co., Ltd. Mianyang 621000
  • Online:2024-08-01 Published:2024-08-30

摘要: 近年来,国内外已发生多起R32可燃制冷剂空调由于安装维修操作不当造成高压侧堵塞导致压缩机爆炸的安全事故。研究以变频压缩机绕组测温技术为依托,通过实验模拟还原R32空调系统在极端条件下的爆炸场景,获取压缩机发生爆炸瞬间的电机绕组和排气温度。基于绕组测温技术拟合出绕组温度推算值与排气温度实测值的温差ΔT参数,证明ΔT参数可表征在极端危险条件下运行的压缩机发生爆炸的危险程度,为可燃制冷剂空调系统的安全保护控制提供关键的判定指标。

关键词: R32空调系统, 可燃制冷剂, 压缩机绕组测温, 爆炸实验, 温差

Abstract: In recent years, there have been many safety accidents at home and abroad involving R32 flammable refrigerant air conditioners, where improper installation and maintenance operations caused blockage on the high-pressure side, resulting in compressor explosions. Relying on the temperature measurement technology of inverter compressor windings, the explosion scenarios of R32 air conditioning systems under extreme conditions will be simulated and restored through experiments to obtain the motor winding and exhaust temperatures at the instant of compressor explosion. Based on the winding temperature measurement technology, the temperature difference ΔT parameter between the calculated value of winding temperature and the measured value of exhaust temperature is fitted. It is proved that the ΔT parameter can represent the degree of danger of explosion of the compressor operating under extremely dangerous conditions, providing a key determination index for the safety protection control of flammable refrigerant air conditioning systems.

Key words: R32 air conditioning system, Combustible refrigerant, Temperature measurement of compressor winding, Explosion experiment, Temperature difference
