家电科技 ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (zk): 340-342.doi: 10.19784/j.cnki.issn1672-0172.2021.99.080

• 第三部分 噪声与振动控制 • 上一篇    下一篇


孙敬龙, 齐聪山, 张海鹏, 丁龙辉, 潘毅广   

  1. 海信(山东)冰箱有限公司 山东青岛 266000
  • 出版日期:2021-11-25 发布日期:2021-12-22
  • 作者简介:孙敬龙,博士。研究方向:噪声与振动控制。地址:山东省青岛市崂山区松岭路399号。E-mail:sunjinglong@hisense.com。

Study on control of refrigerant pulsation noise in refrigerator

SUN Jinglong, QI Congshan, ZHANG Haipeng, DING Longhui, PAN Yiguang   

  1. Hisense (Shandong) Refrigerator Co., Ltd. Qingdao 266000
  • Online:2021-11-25 Published:2021-12-22

摘要: 冰箱压缩机高转速运行时,制冷剂脉动引起回气管路低频噪声,制冷剂脉动通过管路传递到箱体还会引起箱体低频噪声。低频噪声的声波长,穿透能力强,影响范围广,容易使用户产生主观烦恼。针对此问题,首先采用声振相干法进行低频噪声识别,确定主要的噪声分布频段为450 Hz~700 Hz。然后采用声学仿真与CFD仿真方法,以控制再生噪声为目标,进行消声器结构优化设计,得到最优结构设计。经实验验证,采用消声器后,噪声波动下降1.6 dB,噪声平均值下降1.5 dB。

关键词: 制冷剂脉动, 低频噪声, CFD仿真, 消声器

Abstract: When the refrigerator compressor runs at high speed, the refrigerant pulsation causes low-frequency noise in the return pipe. The refrigerant pulsation, which transmit to the refrigerator through the pipe, will also cause low-frequency noise. The sound wavelength of low-frequency noise has strong penetration ability and wide influence range, which is easy to cause subjective annoyance to users. To solve this problem, firstly, the acoustic vibration coherence method was used to identify the low-frequency noise, and the main noise frequency band is 450 Hz~700 Hz. Then, the acoustic simulation and CFD simulation methods are used to design and optimize the muffler structure by controlling the regenerative noise, and the optimal muffler structure is obtained. The experimental results show that the muffler is effective, the noise fluctuation decreases by 1.6 dB and the average noise value decreases by 1.5 dB.

Key words: Refrigerant pulsation, Low-frequency noise, CFD simulation, Muffler
