家电科技 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 116-121.doi: 10.19784/j.cnki.issn1672-0172.2024.04.019

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伦成钢, 宋玮, 孙民, 马晖   

  1. 西安庆安制冷设备股份有限公司 陕西西安 710075
  • 出版日期:2024-08-01 发布日期:2024-08-30
  • 作者简介:伦成钢,硕士学位,正高级工程师。研究方向:制冷与空调技术及压缩机研究开发。地址:西安市高新二路9号西安庆安制冷设备股份有限公司技术中心。E-mail:luncg1999@sina.com。

Research on motor assembly for compressor

LUN Chenggang, SONG Wei, SUN Min, MA Hui   

  1. Xi'an Qing'an Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. Xi'an 710075
  • Online:2024-08-01 Published:2024-08-30

摘要: 为提高房间空调器用压缩机的可靠性,针对压缩机用电机的装配进行分析。经过理论研究,确定了电机装配配合的优化设计方法:通过控制符合跌落试验要求的电机装配最小过盈量来满足电机所需传递的力与力矩需求;根据GB/T 1801确定出配合的最大过盈量,满足不产生塑性变形的设计要求。对采用该设计方法的产品进行跌落试验验证,当电机定子与筒体实际过盈量为13.0 μm时,实测最大压出力为8680 N,与理论计算结果相符,证明其满足产品的可靠性使用要求。

关键词: 压缩机, 电机装配, 优化设计方法, 跌落试验

Abstract: In order to improve the reliability of the compressor for the room air conditioner, the assembly of the motor for the compressor is analyzed. Through theoretical research, the optimal design method of motor assembly coordination is determined: the minimum interference of motor assembly which meets the requirements of drop test is controlled to meet the requirements of motor force and torque, and the maximum interference of fit is determined according to GB/T 1801 to meet the design requirements of no plastic deformation. The drop test verification of the product using this design method shows that when the actual interference between the motor stator and the cylinder is 13.0 μm, the measured maximum output force is 8680 N, which is consistent with the theoretical calculation results, which proves that it meets the reliability requirements of the product.

Key words: Compressor, Assembly of motor, Optimal design method, Drop test
