家电科技 ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 69-73.doi: 10.19784/j.cnki.issn1672-0172.2023.01.011

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李伟, 高志谦, 张谷峰, 王一鸣, 王臣臣, 王宇   

  1. 美的冰箱事业部 安徽合肥 230601
  • 出版日期:2023-02-01 发布日期:2023-04-24
  • 作者简介:李伟,本科学历。研究方向:冰箱制冷系统及换热仿真。地址:合肥市经济技术开发区锦绣大道176号美的冰箱工业园。E-mail:anvliv@126.com。

Study on the layout design of refrigerator refrigeration system

LI Wei, GAO Zhiqian, ZHANG Gufeng, WANG Yiming, WANG Chenchen, WANG Yu   

  1. Midea Refrigerator Division Hefei 230601
  • Online:2023-02-01 Published:2023-04-24

摘要: 制冷系统设计是冰箱核心设计之一,因各厂家设计理念不同,当下冰箱制冷系统布局较为多样。基于相同的条件,在同一款箱体上设计四种不同的制冷系统布局方案:后背竖置、底置、中梁横置、顶置,采用理论计算和流场仿真的手段,从性能、使用性以及成本的角度进行对比,旨在说明每种布局方案的优势和劣势,为今后的冰箱设计和制冷系统布局提供一些参考和借鉴。

关键词: 冰箱, 制冷系统, 制冷系统布局, 流场仿真

Abstract: Refrigeration system design is one of the cores of refrigerators. Due to the different design concepts of various manufacturers, the current layout of refrigerator refrigeration system is more diverse. Based on the same conditions, four different layout schemes of refrigeration system are designed on the same box: back vertical, bottom, middle beam transverse, top, by means of theoretical calculation and flow field simulation, the comparison of ability and cost is to illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of each layout, and to provide some reference for future refrigerator design and refrigeration system layout.

Key words: Refrigerator, Refrigeration system, Refrigeration system layout, Flow field simulation
